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At Welcome to the Jungle, our mission is to give work a sustainable place in our lives.

welcome home

Our vision

We spend a lot of time at work.

If we added up all the hours spent at work, the average person will spend over 13 years working (with an additional 2 years for those “overtimers”). And with most people switching jobs every 5 years, that can add up to 12 job changes in a lifetime.

We put a lot of time and effort into work, but our relationship with it is out of whack. We live by the 9-5, Monday-Friday routine. Glamorizing late nights and never disconnecting. We make our lives fit around work because we don’t make the rules at work. And when companies undervalue our time, we switch jobs in hopes somewhere else will value us more.

That’s why we want to give work a more sustainable place in our lives.

So that our daily lives don’t become consumed with emails, Zoom calls, and presentations, and so that we can have more time to do whatever we want, or not do anything at all.

So that we find a way to work that aligns with who we are, how we live, and how we like to do things. Because we are more productive and happier when we’re able to have more control over our own routines.

And so that companies invest in our development and growth for the long-term, helping to create happier citizens and a healthier planet. So that work becomes our reward, not punishment.

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Our commitments

The Galion project

The “Galion Project Gender Agreement” is a charter created and signed by entrepreneurs who are convinced that tech has a fundamental role to play in shaping our world’s future. This charter unites entrepreneurs and encourages them to increase diversity in the tech world. Jérémy Clédat, co-founder and CEO of Welcome to the Jungle, is part of the team that created this charter.


At Welcome to the Jungle, we believe that businesses have an important role to play in building a better future. This is why we want our company to be fully responsible for its direct impact on its employees as well as on social, environmental and global levels. We have been BCorp certified since 2020, a recognition of our efforts to have a positive impact, but above all a springboard to go even further in the embodiment of our corporate mission: to give work a sustainable place in our lives.

Jobs for Ukraine

Following the war in Ukraine, and given the magnitude of the refugee crisis, we want to contribute to the humanitarian relief efforts. The top concern of refugees is to find accommodation, followed closely by the need for a job to support themselves and find stability in their host country. This is why we have created Jobs for Ukraine, a job board for Ukrainians seeking employment in France or the Czech Republic.

Give Back project

In order to help NGOs and give candidates an opportunity to work in these types of organizations, Welcome to the Jungle has created the Give Back project. This project arose from our teams’ desire to offer a wider range of job opportunities to candidates and to bring more visibility to the NGOs we wanted to support. The Give Back project is a way for Welcome to the Jungle to collaborate with the social causes that matter to us and to have a greater impact on the world of employment and work.

Welcome in numbers


year of creation


raised since 2015




offices around the world

Join us!

Welcome to the Jungle is building the future of work on a more sustainable foundation. This is what unites our teams and those who join us around the same vision and the same objectives.

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